Happy International Worker’s Day


May 1st is International Worker’s Day, also known as Labor Day or May Day, in more than 80 countries. It aims to celebrate the contributions of workers, promote their rights, and commemorate the labor movement.

Confucius once said, "Those who work with minds govern others, and those who work hard are governed by others". Marx pointed out: "If any nation ceases to work, not to mention a year, it will perish in a few weeks." In this hot early summer, we have many workers in the foundry who persisted in their posts despite the high temperature to ensure the supply of blanks.

Today, we would like to say thank you to our frontline workers. Our frontline workers are the cornerstone of our company. The success of Tianhe Casting group is built on the hardworking of our workers.

There are workers in the Die Casting Division who are preparing melted metal in this hot summer. There are also CNC machining workers helping the realising the new prototypes for electric cars. Nonetheless, we need to remember the workers in the logistic team to make sure everything is running smoothly for the production. Everyone is conscientiously doing their jobs to ensure the development and production of new products and current production.

We also need to pay extra respect to some of our employees with disabilities. Many of our employees have physical disabilities due to various reasons, but all of them even worked harder than others which have gained our respect for everyone. Tianhe Casting Group is dedicated to helping everyone realize their own value, and can gain a sense of accomplishment from their work.

We must learn to respect the hard work and dedication of immense hard work our labor puts. Let us come together on the occasion of International Workers’ Day to thank them for their labor and for their dedication. Warm wishes on May Day to all!

5 月 1 日是 80 多个国家的国际劳动节,也称为劳动节或五一劳动节。 它旨在庆祝工人的贡献,促进他们的权利,并纪念劳工运动。
孔子曾说过,“劳心者治人,劳力者治于人”。马克思指出:“任何一个民族,如果停止了劳动,不用说一年,就是几个星期也要灭亡。”大发明家爱迪生说过:“世界上没有一种具有真正价值的东西,可以不经过艰苦辛勤的劳动而能够得到。”劳力劳动和体力劳动永远是成正比, 劳动只有分工不同,没有贵贱之分。当真正的体力劳动不再受到尊重时,这个社会就面临着道德的沦丧,普通劳动者永远是组成社会大厦的主体。劳动者就像一粒粒平凡的石子,用自己的力量去改变了世界。是劳动,创造了历史;是劳动,改变了世界。


Post time: Apr-28-2022