Successfully implemented Global Quality System (GQS) from CCEC

The market is cruel, and customers make demands, we must do our best to satisfy them. Cost, quality, and delivery on the schedule are always the three themes that customers care about, and all our work must be carried out around these three themes. This is why our company is implementing the 5S quality tool and taking GQS certificates from CCEC. 

“The 5S quality tool is derived from five Japanese terms beginning with the letter "S" used to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. The pillars of 5S are simple to learn and important to implement:

Seiri: To separate needed tools, parts, and instructions from unneeded materials and to remove the unneeded ones.

Seiton: To neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use.

Seiso: To conduct a cleanup campaign.

Seiketsu: To conduct seiri, seiton, and seiso daily to maintain a workplace in perfect condition.

Shitsuke: To form the habit of always following the first four S’s.”

Early in March 2020, Tianhe Casting started the procedure to implement the 5S quality tool. A week later, our management team was also getting ready to execute the new standards from Cummins GQS program. After nearly a year and a half of hard work, the effect is significant. The labor load is greatly reduced. The delivery time and company cost are improved due to the increase in production efficiency. Let the habits meet the standards, and resolutely do not accept unqualified products, do not manufacture unqualified products, and do not deliver unqualified products. We should care about quality every year, month by month, and every day. When the quality awareness of all employees is improved, our quality can be controlled, and customers can be satisfied. 

Tianhe group CEO Mr Hui Liao with Purchasing Manager Vinay from CCEC

In the next step, the production and quality departments are aiming to start planning the personal quality performance of employees. They must build the spirit of craftsmanship in the company and strive for excellence. In 2020, our Best Employee in CNC Machining department had only produced 1 waste during production. I hope you will continue to maintain and carry forward, and I also call on all employees to learn from you. Passing CCEC's global quality assurance system certification is Cummins' recognition and encouragement of our company. We hope that all departments of the company will implement the relevant requirements of GQS and stick to them for a long time.  

Tianhe group CEO Mr Hui Liao with CEO Wang and Purchasing Manager Vinay from CCEC
Tianhe group CEO Mr Hui Liao with CEO Wang from CCEC

Post time: Sep-10-2021